LIC to Manhattan
7 17 08
here's a view of sunset from loft last night...very hot in nyc
i wonder how common it is for bloggers to say:
"Well I haven't been blogging this week...blah blah lazy etc."
true in this case, a very busy week as I think through options
in media and education. And fund raising.
Always about fund raising.
Listening to Bob Dylan and the Grateful Dead play All Along the Watchtower
from Dylan and the Dead on ITunes of course. Headphones. No I Phone for me yet.
I own a very early Macintosh computer. From 1991? circa..Haven't been able to part with it, so it's in my MEDIA CLOSET...early kids games, and who knows what else is still on the hard drive?
PC PC PC PC PC PC PC my last 10 computers or so (circa)
used to have macs at hbo but when we switched to PC's I stayed on the track
Last Rock Concert: Eagles on May 30 (circa, maybe 31) at MSG
also Farm Aid 2007
Cream 2005
Stones 2x in 05 and 06
and now "Knockin on Heaven's Door" is playing
Jerry Garcia, Bob Dylan et al (not circa)
never saw this combination
Billy Joel is playing his last Shea Stadium concert tonight which is also Shea Stadium's last rock concert ever as it will be torn down after the new Citi Field opens next year...well Billy is from LI and is KING OF LI...I have funny billy joel stories...I have been mistaken for him several times (looks--not talent!)...and I saw him with Elton John in Denver in 2001-2 (circa)..he was great and I am not the biggest fan..he did hit himself above the eye with a microphone and needed treatment I think so Elton played more than usual..maybe..(memory fuzz)
where I saw the Grateful Dead:
Lancaster F and M wow in 1971
Washington DC at American Univ circa 73
Philadelphia several times 72-74
Watkins Glen Festival with Band and Allman I right on The Band?? (more fuzz)
Denver 91 circa
where I've seen the Rolling Stones:
Philadelphia 71 with Stevie Wonder maybe still little Stevie Wonder as first act and he and Stones sang Satisfaction at the end...
NYC 2 times
Albany 1
Denver circa 2000
where I saw The Doors
-saratoga 1966
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