About Me
- John Ovrutsky
- New York, NY, United States
- • Media and Business ADVISOR • Creator of Time Out New York on Demand • Creator of www.timeoutnewyork.tv • 20 year HBO business builder, leader and innovator • Creative marketer; built $800MM business at HBO
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Kimono Girl Returns to LoftMedia Central
We have three of my fictional charaters here: Kimono Girl, Juan from San Antone (Alamo) and Super JO wild coffee can from Japan...there's also a sale cup and a japanese ceremonial brrom facing higashi EAST so now Kimono girl feels more at ease than she facing west in another room..she loves the rising sun, neh?
my media circa 1970
Lancaster PA
F and M College
Spring 71
1971 taken in Loudonville NY on a break from F and M and Lancaster PA canon TL camera
blue princess phone
my room and clock radio now on display in queens loft
so what was analog is now digital....this progression in technology has been profitable and useful vs. the american auto makers looking for bailout now...seriously; if it weren't for the web, microsoft, apple and some great silicon valley companies, the USA would be and still is a real mess...we have no manufacturing base to speak off...hundreds of thousands of people are losing their jobs weekly...
anyway it is so cool that I can take these old photos, scan them and save them in different formats...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
family reunions in a digital world
email helped bring about a cousin's reunion for me at a wedding reception in upstate new york
on this lake
crooked lake
averill park, ny
with this lovely group of people
and others I hadn't seen in 30 or forty years; now I have a list of email addresses
and photos
mila and i had a great trip to albany as well...see below for a few pix
washington park, albany
looking towards the hudson, state street and d and h building in background
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
economic meltdown and the Grateful Dead
you'll hear a grateful dead concert I attended at my college--Franklin and Marshall, in April of 1971. Having been to nyc the night before to see the latest Kurosawa film in the village, we stayed in the deserted dorm of a catholic prep school--the kids were on break. The next morning we headed to Lancaster, PA. Back to the dorm. Picked up my friend's brother and then collectively I imagine, 2000 people (at the most) filled the gym for New Riders of The Purple Sage and the Dead.
lots is probably worth retelling about that night but would be boring to the public I am sure...
what intrigues me is coming full circle from analog to digital..the analog recordings of my youth can now be digitized, uploaded, downloaded, etc....
listening to it now again...it is heralded as a great Jerry Garcia night...for guitar play...lyrics are a little muddled...
i am writing this in the shadow of wall street...many changes occurring
Monday, September 8, 2008
Preparations for a flight
And while packing just now--I realized that I wasn't quite in synch with all the new security requirements vis a vis liquids...do I have the right plastic bags? Are the containers under the 3 oz limit or whatever it is???
And I do get to check a bag--at no cost. Is that because I am using a free ticket on Delta vs some other airline? (a dwindling cache of what was once millions of miles, now a few hundred thousand precious miles left...) but that's another story and calculation--I really had the best of the freq traveller program years and accrused benefits--which gave me and mine lots of cool free trips...
I helped Alida out at curbside check-in at United early yesterday morning. She was charged 15 the first bag; 25 for the second for a total of 40 bucks, making a fee ticket slightly less than a free ticket and addding to the cost of all other tickets...
pack light, carry light, arrive early, tip and use curbside baggage guys, read...nap...music..once we're in the air there can be some peaceful and calm moments...
so now i will examine my plastic bags and begin to calculate weight...
I have already checked in online and let them know I'll be checking 1 bag (free)
so there's a lot about this new tech I like, and which probably should have been implemented earlier--but I don;t know enough about that technology/business equation to offer up an opinion
But clearly one can move through the airline part of an airport more efficiently than before; it's the security which is still labor intensive, which slows everything down and makes it a bit of a daunting process.
at some other point i will write about many travel experiences
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Hurricane Hanna, CBS, the US Open and digital delays
Everyone knew Hanna was coming, so the tennis folks started play earlier than planned at 11am in Ashe Staduim (Feder-Djokovic), but then they started semi 2 in Armstrong (Nadal v Murray) justteo hours later, in the hope that both semis would be completed before the deluges began.
Well, they came close. Federer dominated and is through to the finals now scheduled for Monday at 5pm MON Est on CBS (prior to Monday NIght Football on ESPN--who, parenthetically will broadcast the US Open next year end ing a 25 year run on USA)--creating a new window of prime time programming for CBS on Mon. The downside for CBS seems large--the women's final has been moved from Sat prime time to Sun night Prime at 9p (high HUT levels--households using tv) but up against sun night football on NBC. CHI at INDY from Lucas Oil Stadium...no more RCA dome, I guess. I was on the floor there one night at an RCA corp party and say the final four there in 1997 thanks to RCA and the late, great Mike O'Hara.
Anyway, will the women get more viewership on Sun than if they were the only event of interest in prime time tonight?
Terrific ticket availability tonight and tmow if one is inclined to spend $1000...all kinds of seats up for sale on ticketsnow.com as thousands won't be able to adjust travel or work schedules to accomodate the changes implemented at the US Open..
Anyway, back to my media reflections.. We are in Queens, near the stadium, so our weather is pretty much the same as at the US Open, give or take 5-10 minutes or mph. Men's semi number two starts and Dick Enberg announces that if you wanted to watch it you could go online..but that the network would stay with the Ashe feed in real time. Interesting..especially as I can monitor both the weather and broadcast form my windows, my pc and my tv.
We chose to stay with the traditional network feed after checking usopendotorg online and seeing that it was 1-1 in the 1st..
(by the way I just changed my phone back to verizon from TWC and now have FIOS for Phone and ternet...thank you thank you verizon. Customer Service is equally poor, but at least I have real high speed (vs cable modem) and land line phones which work..more on this topic later, inclusing why I have still have 2 land lines when I could probably get by with one or zero)
Meanwhile, earlier toyday during the tennis) my TW Cable DVR is forcing me to watch in the same room as Mila, since she is in a non DVR equipped room, aware of the conclusion of points 4 seconds before me due to the fact that the dvr caches while recording (and it wasn't set to record; but records What's on as a software courtesy of sorts) So, I can guess the outcome of points based on her exclamations. Ohg well, into the BR from the Great room.
But the real oddity was the time delay--since the storm DID move into Queens, we knew that a point would come about 1hr 20 into the Nadal match when they would be rained out...
we could plan our afternoon around it (opening wine, cooking dinner)...I felt like yrlling out
"Hey Guys, it's gonna rain in 15 minutes--serve out and win the set Rafa!"
But they wouldn't have heard me...
so what is all this about...?
just more tech evolution...but the double time shifting of the dvr and the tape delay on cbs make for some interesting refelection on current media capabilities...plus the online live coverage for those who can multitask or liked Nadal and Murray
but the real winners in all this are the fans who headout to flushing meadows thinking they would get tix in a hurricane...to see the match on Armstrong..it was on the USTA site as a possibility ..they bought grounds passes to see juniors singles and doubles..and ended up in Armstrong watching Nadal and Murray...they won;t be back to finish the match...unless they payu 1000's to be anywhere near as close as they were at LA...b ut they have a tennis story for life to cherish..
and in the end...sticking it out and heading out to Queens in the rain pays out....
a little add while checking this: Do we record the Colts game tmow night while watching Serena and Jelena? Or just go back and forth...(avoiding baseball for sure...though I guess the mets-phils game on ESPN is compelling to some as the mets try to avoid a repeat of last september's swoon.....
more on these little media oddities as they occur.........
addendum on mon September 8 after a weekend of sports on TV, including Brett Favre's leadership of Jets to victory...i almost made it to the end of the women's finals, but fell asleep before the decisive points...oh well...I can watch all the replays. Happy Serena won! Congrats to Jankovic.
Men's final tonight. The athletic young Andy Murray vs perhaps the best of all time Roger Federer...
Vikings/Packers on early 7ish MNF; Broncs (beloved still) vs Raiders from OAK..a great old rivalry...is Cutler ready to break through?
and the mets are still only 2 up on the phils; while the yanks are finished
Will the US Open ever end???
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
customer service
plus reliable phone service--and most heralded of all-- FIOS TV--the promise of fiber bringing nearly unlimited capacity and choice of video content into the home...
this is very similar to 1994 when DirecTV launched, followed swiftly by Dish Network and Primestar...digital spectrum to the home...what could be better? especially in non cabled areas, but also everywhere due to the presence of the exclusive NFL package on DirecTV and international packages on DISH....so, cable finally had competition...
pent up frustrations at cable company customer service sent folks scurrying to the stores to disconnect cable...satellite customer service edged out cable service in all industry surveys
when I lived in the burbs of westchester i had one of the first ever directv systems installed (another story!); and later on I had DISH as well...for the Russian channels and because the management of that company (EchoStar) were my business friends and I wanted to try their product...
so i have had3-4 cable companies, 2 satellite companies and of course for many years, the bells, baby bells, kinda bells, us west etc....and verizon for land line here in nyc and wireless...
when we moved into the loft, I decided to go with TWC's triple play...for lots of reasons...I had pretty good internet service form them at 30 Park, and of course my channel wa son their system, so I took the plungr...
well several outages and repair calls later, and some with escalated help from supervisors due to my complaints to a sr exec friend...I have had to disconnect the phone..and the slow internet...
so here comes fios yesterday but of course they got the order wrong...and only had the "phone number " win back from TWC for one of my numbers...at one point we had five techs from verizon here, plus verizon on two lines and twc on one phone line
so my hope for an effortless customer service experience were once again dashed...why can we get this right???
customer service on phone --bad enough...in the home for 9 hours..shame on verizon
oh well here we go...another service provider...
Monday, August 11, 2008
2500 hours of Olympics online
prime time ratings are excellent, nonetheless..nbc has extended Olympics coverage as far as it can in 2008...especially given time zone and piracy issues...but the costs and the commercials...oh my...4 min on, 3 min in commercial sometimes....coca cola's semi commercial free sponsorship of the redeem team was appreciated and probably creates more positive brand recognition...it's like 18 days of super bowl ads, but i am getting kind of bored already....and enjoying the coverage mostly in prime on the 'ol cable receiver...great to see shots of china...a murder/suicide in Beijing and a war between russia and georgia have occurred since 8 8 08 ..day 1 of olympics..and the yankees and mets continue to lose ground...
we've been having quite a few storms lately..this one moved in and out quickly this morning..i captured it at various times
media=my media
Friday, July 25, 2008
digital communication and education
colleges and universities should be marketing themselves regualrly and politely to alumni base via email...especially recent grads...keep them connected to the campus and eventually donations will add up
just thinking about the impact of email marketing on institutions with a built in network; increasingly broadband equipped
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Happy Slip
As a disclaimer, I am interested in part because of my filipina girlfriend, Mila.
But while appealing to a strong, niche Filipino audience, Christine takes on multiple characters and recently chronicled her experience on www.explorephilippines.com. All expenses paid; as her videos have become widely popular, and often get a million or more views on You Tube and her site.
She's a good storyteller and comedienne, and has built her own production team from amongst friends, family, etc. She does most of the work herself.
She attends You Tube conventions, etc and is clearly becoming a popular character.
Not sure what her comprehensive revenue model is; but she seems to be parlaying her work steadily into the right distribution.
Can she become mainstream? Possibly not. But that's not important...she is creating her own vision at low cost for an increasingly wide audience.
I met with her once several years back --purely exploratory; but I was interested in aggregating local content, and felt she had a place in what I was doing. The good news for her is she found it herself!
go to www.happyslip.com
just watched some of her blog tv appearances...she is her own brand; constantly reinventing, reformatting, re-digitizing and refining
she also blogs live on blog tv tonight she's performing and singing and playing guitar in her kitchen in Queens
like a modern day troubador who travels via digital 1's and 0's from the comfort of her home, her city and on location
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
digital communication
content is easy to create and distribute...
analog to digital transformation
3 channels-on demand
we built the sci fi world that we saw on tv..nasa..twilightzone, etc
...social media...online communities..constant updates and twitter facebook have taken communication to a level I never imagined or even dreamed of: CONSTANT UPDATING
..like A GPS roadmap of MY DAY...
i am sitting at my computer in my home office overlooking railroad tracks, LGA landing patterns, the LIE, BQE, IDCNY Building LGCC
and writing this
that's my UPDATE
for now
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Climbing to Work

queensboro bridge on a hot saturday morning 7/19
taken with my cell phone camera as I had decided not
to bring my digital camera
kind of cool how they're lined up
I ride by them often on my 7am rides while on the bridge's bike path; now I know how they get up...I thought they walked from queens plaza..but the field office is in the park; so the scaffolding gets them up and down faster
this is queensbridge park which by the way was really trashed out today
bbq'ers should clean up
Friday, July 18, 2008
nearly sunset
LIC to Manhattan
7 17 08
here's a view of sunset from loft last night...very hot in nyc
i wonder how common it is for bloggers to say:
"Well I haven't been blogging this week...blah blah lazy etc."
true in this case, a very busy week as I think through options
in media and education. And fund raising.
Always about fund raising.
Listening to Bob Dylan and the Grateful Dead play All Along the Watchtower
from Dylan and the Dead on ITunes of course. Headphones. No I Phone for me yet.
I own a very early Macintosh computer. From 1991? circa..Haven't been able to part with it, so it's in my MEDIA CLOSET...early kids games, and who knows what else is still on the hard drive?
PC PC PC PC PC PC PC my last 10 computers or so (circa)
used to have macs at hbo but when we switched to PC's I stayed on the track
Last Rock Concert: Eagles on May 30 (circa, maybe 31) at MSG
also Farm Aid 2007
Cream 2005
Stones 2x in 05 and 06
and now "Knockin on Heaven's Door" is playing
Jerry Garcia, Bob Dylan et al (not circa)
never saw this combination
Billy Joel is playing his last Shea Stadium concert tonight which is also Shea Stadium's last rock concert ever as it will be torn down after the new Citi Field opens next year...well Billy is from LI and is KING OF LI...I have funny billy joel stories...I have been mistaken for him several times (looks--not talent!)...and I saw him with Elton John in Denver in 2001-2 (circa)..he was great and I am not the biggest fan..he did hit himself above the eye with a microphone and needed treatment I think so Elton played more than usual..maybe..(memory fuzz)
where I saw the Grateful Dead:
Lancaster F and M wow in 1971
Washington DC at American Univ circa 73
Philadelphia several times 72-74
Watkins Glen Festival with Band and Allman Brothers..am I right on The Band?? (more fuzz)
Denver 91 circa
where I've seen the Rolling Stones:
Philadelphia 71 with Stevie Wonder maybe still little Stevie Wonder as first act and he and Stones sang Satisfaction at the end...
NYC 2 times
Albany 1
Denver circa 2000
where I saw The Doors
-saratoga 1966
Saturday, July 12, 2008
thoughts of water on a hot night
Morning Bike ride along Greenpoint Newtown Creek Sewage Plant
Just on the other side of Newtown Creek from LIC, lies the Greenpoint Eggs, a major water pollution and sewage pollution treatment plant in NYC--one of 14. This morning I discovered the nature walk--and rode my bike along it dispite the lingering smell of sewage. It's another Air Pollution Alert Day in hot NYC.
Here's a brief description from the NYC DEP website...they just lit the towers using a French Light design firm...
"The Newtown Creek plant is the largest of New York City's 14 wastewater treatment plants. The plant serves approximately 1 million residents in a drainage area of more than 15,000 acres (25 square miles). The plant began operation in 1967 and currently treats 18% of the City's wastewater with a capacity of 310 million gallons per day (mgd) during dry weather. Upgrade work began in 1998 and will eventually raise plant capacity to 700 mgd during wet weather storms. The upgraded plant will serve a projected population of 1.33 million residents within the relevant drainage area by 2045.
Last September, DEP opened the Waterfront Nature Walk at the Newtown Creek plant, affording the public their first waterfront access to Newtown Creek in decades and advancing Mayor Bloomberg's PlaNYC goals, ensuring that the public has broader access to the waterfront and increasing water quality throughout the City's waterways. The Nature Walk was designed by renowned environmental sculptor George Trakas through the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs Percent for Art program in conjunction with DEP's ongoing upgrade of the plant. The quarter-mile nature walk offers stunning views of the City and of the nearby industrial landscape, as well as many unique architectural features, plantings and construction techniques that were designed by Trakas to evoke the rich, continually evolving environmental, industrial and cultural histories of the local area." (and the smell)
I also discovered the TWC Brooklyn dispatch center--a huge facility with lots of techs and repairmen and installers getting ready for a busy day. Media add ons! HD, Digital Phone, DVR's etc!
View towards Manhattan from Pulaski Br
ESB View from Sewage Plant Bike Path
Friday, July 11, 2008
Not watching TV for a few days
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Greatest American Dog
The video genre of self-immersion hits closer to home now that I know one of the contestants on a reality show. I don't know him well--but his name is Davd Best, MD but he devotes most of his time to his doctor's channel website for doctors.
We met earlier this year through Linked In (yes, this is an internet and social networking proof of purpose story ) . We went to the same college, so I suspect he searched by graduation year, and then notices I was in the video business (as is he) and reached out to "network".
I was actually thinking of what to write to get this blog a little more focused on my "media perspectives", rather than "My Media or My Perspectives ot my Outlooks". Give some structure to the blog so to speak.
And then I saw the email from David.
"Hi John,
Just a reminder to please watch Elvis and me on Greatest American Dog, starting this Thursday, July 10 at 8 PM ET/PT on CBS.
Also this Thursday we’ll be on the CBS Early Show (between 8 and 8:30 AM ET) and Entertainment Tonight (check local listings – 7:30 PM in NY). And don’t miss the Tonight Show with Jay Leno tonight (Wednesday) with the host of Greatest American Dog, Jarod Miller. You might see a familiar face or two."
So I walked right over to my TWC DVR and set it to capture tonight's show. I checked out some of the video on cbs.com (where I watched a lot of "Jericho" last year)--a meaningless comment. Oh well, at least I know my way around the player.
So, I visited David in his office/production studio, which also serves as a daytime home and shrine to Elvis, parents and others. Large portraits of Elvis and family members adorn the walls. There are 8 or 10 people sharing the space in Chelsea (I think)...probably flatiron,,
Of course, prior to visiting I watched his video of note-"Elvis's Bark Mitzvah". David had 100 guests including the iconic Dr. Ruth at the "Bark Mitzvah".Then he took his partner and me to a nice quiet lunch. And now this. Well, good luck David! 12 dogs and their owners live together. CBS tonight at 8 eastern.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The End of the Run of TONY OD
Time Out New York on Demand
Channel 1112 TWC
Nov 2005-6/29/2008
VOD Channel
2-3 minute segments
Where to go, what to do in NYC
Produced by City On Demand
We were pioneers of sorts. Free, local, branded VOD with our own channel.
Over 800 segments produced.
On air for 31 months.
Revenue model: sponsorships, branded videos, etc.
Then: www.timeoutnewyork.tv
Launched with Maven Networks in August 2006
Pre roll CPM Model. Sold out from day one.
Viewership, flash issues.
good partners and trading partners in general
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
a comment from one of my rail videos
"jesuschristsmysavior has made a comment on Jul 08 2008 - morning rail vlog. "It's a NJT Arrow III towards the end!"
media perspective or my perspective???
morning pic
taken at birthday party in 2007
several of my favorites
(and I don't drink soda or beer)
morning thoughts:
now that the blog is off and running, and i am weighing its merits vs, my website, www.johnovrutsky.com--I can see that this is more My Perspective, my outlook and my media
more so than my perspective on the professional media which surrounds us. I thiought I would be writing on what I see as video trends on the web and on tv, but I am more involved in producing content than writing about it. So the blog will continue to have stories, characters, and my photos and videos. You Tube will just be videos. Facebook for some communication and voyeurism about behavior. And LInked IN, purely professional.
So, I have 5 outlets
-this blog
-you tube channel
-linked in
plus at least 5 email addresses--some dormant
2 phone numbers
a fax number
etc etc
and lots of books too, though I am not reading many these days!
Monday, July 7, 2008
back from coney island
with a sunburn too...my cousin Barney and I attended the ONLY day game of the year of the Brooklyn Cyclones on Coney Island...his friend Eliot has Cyclones dugout-side seats which we used to watch young drafted ball players--some just out of college--compete against a team from Ohio in a NY-Penn League matchup..this view is
looking east over the boardwalk and ocean..we had a freat time just watching baseball..
came back on the F and G trains to avoid any more of a burn...an easy subway ride to and from the park
Sunday, July 6, 2008
I seem to be increasingly popular with the railroad hobbyist set
now I do have the distinction of being an american who has commuted far more by rail than by car
81-84 tokyo etc in transit no cars
84-94 car commute in denver was short 2-8 miles
94-04 metro north croton to gct
04-current mta, subway, buses, bicycle, car
since our loft building www.arrislofts.com
is on the skillman yards
train yards leading into penn station and gct
we have terrific views from our 5th floor perch of
amtrak, LIRR, assorted other regional trains, as well as two distinct views of the 7 train
you can check out some of those photos on my website www.johnovrutsky.com
So far I haven't written about Media
and outlooks
on this blog to date
blogging while listening to raggaeton on pandora
mila on the deck of our place in sedona
our base for 4 nights in sept
so that's what I am doing;
blogging while listening to pandora
here's a random picture from our trip
to the flagstaff area
sept 07
this is part of the
wupatki national monument
anasazi era ruins I think
i am sure they have a website
it was a great day for a drive
we drove from sedona to this monument for the day
our last day in sedona before the drive to santa fe
this is about 90 min north of where we stayed
a very polluted area of LIC NYC
(see below as well)
rear view of pepsi sign with UN and
Chrysler bldgs across the east river
bike ride this morning with neighbor irma
while riding back to arris I showed her the backroads of LIC, under the LIE, past fresh direct on borden ave and through some very industrial neighborhoods including the hunters point area
an oil spill allegedly larger than the exxon valdez spill has kept this area poluuted while undergoing ongoing cleanup via the work of several barges which will be working for a long time to clean up the kills
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Queensbridge Park
a chronology of sorts
testing this today
since I have a terrific home office with great views, I have the opportunity to shoot and talk several times a day
i have some friends who come by and help
i may introduce them soon
born in upsate new york--troy, grew up outside albany...
lived in:
troy, ny
cohoes, ny
rd something Latham old wolf road, NY
louodnville, ny
lancaster , pa
london, england
lancaster, pa
la jolla and ocean beach san diego ca
northridge, ca
santa monica, ca
lancaster, PA
santa monica, ca
tokyo, japan
denver, colorado
manhattan NY
Queens LIC NYC here today and plan to stay in 11101
Friday, July 4, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
well it's blog day one...I also vlog on you tube and my website
you can see recent vlogs on my website:
but I am sure I could embed links here..and will..
this is me in maine the last weekend of sept 07
i visited my daughters during parents weekend at their college
(i am very curious as to why I can't click on the url's I typed in and go to sites)
oh well I am moderately good at digital devices, and learning more everyday as I write, vlog, embed, link and click a good part of the day. And view a lot of emails. And delete lots of stuff.
well i just made a quick drive to danbury ct and back... not to visit any prisoners--just to drop off my daughter